Eyes of Flight

Eyes of Flight

Category - Portrait


The lady in the painting evokes a sense of grace and poise. The birds are a powerful symbol of love and connection representing a harmonious and tender relationship. It signifies that love is a transformative force that can bring out the best in people and enable them to see the world through a different lens.
Eyes are considered windows to the soul, and by having the birds positioned in front of her eyes, I am emphasizing the profound impact of love and connection on one’s perception of the world. Love has the ability to alter our vision and grant us a new perspective, allowing us to see the world in a more vibrant and meaningful way.
The painting as a whole evokes a sense of wonder, capturing a moment of profound emotional intimacy and suggesting that love has the power to transcend boundaries and create a deeper understanding between individuals. It celebrates the beauty of love and its ability to enrich our lives, inviting viewers to reflect on their own experiences of love and connection.
  • Deets – Acrylic and oil on canvas
  • Size – 50*50 cms